Review: The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

The Song of Achilles

by Madeline Miller


The legend begins...

Greece in the age of heroes. Patroclus, an awkward young prince, has been exiled to the kingdom of Phthia to be raised in the shadow of King Peleus and his golden son, Achilles. “The best of all the Greeks”—strong, beautiful, and the child of a goddess—Achilles is everything the shamed Patroclus is not. Yet despite their differences, the boys become steadfast companions. Their bond deepens as they grow into young men and become skilled in the arts of war and medicine—much to the displeasure and the fury of Achilles’ mother, Thetis, a cruel sea goddess with a hatred of mortals.

When word comes that Helen of Sparta has been kidnapped, the men of Greece, bound by blood and oath, must lay siege to Troy in her name. Seduced by the promise of a glorious destiny, Achilles joins their cause, and torn between love and fear for his friend, Patroclus follows. Little do they know that the Fates will test them both as never before and demand a terrible sacrifice.

Built on the groundwork of the Iliad, Madeline Miller’s page-turning, profoundly moving, and blisteringly paced retelling of the epic Trojan War marks the launch of a dazzling career.

Note: This review contains some spoilers. I will put a warning to where the spoiler starts and also where it ends.


"I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world." 

 Achillesson of the mortal Peleus, king of the Myrmidons, and the  sea nymphThetis. Achilles was the bravest and the greatest warrior of the army of Agamemnon in the Trojan War.

Patroclus - Son of Menoetius, Achilles' best friend and lover.

I've loved Greek Myth since I was in high school and I've read things about Achilles and how great of a man he is. I've always thought that Achilles was THE  man. I never thought of him being what Ms. Miller wrote him to be but I am not disappointed.

The story was told by Patroclus and it began with his life story. Patroclus was a price, an heir to the throne and was presented to be a suitor to Helen where he was then obliged to take a blood oath to someday defend Helen's marriage to Menelaus, to basically fight for them, until he accidentally killed one of his father's nobles' son when he bullied him and was then exiled. His father was never proud of him anyway. For his father, Patroclus is weak and will never fit to become a king. He was sent to Phthia, where he met Achilles and they basically grew up together. He then develops feelings for Achilles. Thetis, being over protective over her son, doesn't really want Patroclus to be Achilles' companion so she tried to send her son to Chiron but Patroclus followed Achilles.  There, he was trained with Achilles but still, he can't match his strength. During their stay with Chiron, their love for each other grew and then they made love. Days passed and soon they were called to retrieve Helen who had been kidnapped by Paris, prince of Troy. Achilles, being called the "Strongest among the Greeks" was obliged to fight and Patroclus, being one of those who made a blood oath to Helen and her husband, came as well. During the battle, Patroclus posed as Achilles and perished in the hand of Hector, the heir to the throne of Trojans and the strongest of them all. Achilles, being heart broken killed Hector, ignoring the prophecy that he'll die after he kills Hector. Achilles was then killed by Paris.

This book had put me in awe after reading it. It was never dull nor repetitive considering that this is a 300+ page book with a very tiny font size. I love Ms. Miller's take on this story and the way she had written it. I'll read any book from her any time of day!

The relationship between Achilles and Patroclus was really well-written whilst staying true to Homer's The Iliad. The rumours about this book being good is true. I was told that the story will make me cry but to be honest, it didn't (but in a good way!). This book made me experience a whirlwind of emotions like love, hope, sadness, and definitely anger. This book tore my heart into thousands of pieces. My heart still feel as if it was pierced by a knife as I'm writing this review.

I've also learned a lot of things after reading this book. One of them is that, we should never underestimate the power of love because people will do anything and everything in the name of love. They'll sacrifice everything, even their own life just for the sake of it. I also learned that one sided love is also one of the greatest form of love. Briseis, being in love with Patroclus who can't reciprocate it, is happy knowing that he knows she loves him and she accepts and respected his decision even if it breaks her heart knowing he'll never love her as much as she loves him. Third is that, respect was given to people who respects you. Briseis, being respectful towards Patroclus and his relationship with Achilles, earned Patroclus' respect. Even though she's basically throwing herself at him, Patroclus never took advantage of her.

I've never really liked Achilles on this story. For me, he's an entitled brat who only thinks about himself. His head's been very full of himself and how strong and mighty he is. His stubbornness and selfishness had put people in danger and  resulted to multiple deaths. Though I sometimes feel sad for him because he could've been a better person if it wasn't for his mother.

Thetis, I really don't want to talk about her but she's got a huge role in this story aside from being Achilles' mother. She groomed Achilles to be this stubborn entitled man. She gaslighted him, fed his mind with too much selfishness. She had made him so full of himself, telling him that everyone's nothing without him. She made him think that the world revolves around him. She is a terrible mother but I somehow understand her because she's just trying her best to make him a God. 

Patroclus, poor Patroclus. A man blinded with love, a person who'll do anything and everything for love. He's my favourite character to be honest, he was very compassionate, patient, kind, and understanding. His backstory made me sad and what happened to him broke my heart. To be honest, my heart is still aching for him. He deserved better. He grew up having a terrible father and in the end, he had put himself in danger because of a selfish person. I loved reading the entire story on his POV, through his eyes, through him - Achilles' greatest love.

 "And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone.”

Would I recommend this book?

I wouldn't recommend this to people who's only interested about the Trojan War - this book is not for you. But if you're into how the characters from Homer's The Iliad met or what transcribed before the Trojan War, or a slow-paced book full of overbearing romance, war caused by a beautiful woman, power hungry kings, brave knights, problematic heroes, and gods who takes sides, this is for you.

I also recommend this book to Young Adults and up.

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